Why I'm blogging...

I am expecting twins and even though I am a "seasoned" mother this pregnacy has been different then the others. I have done a fair amount of searching and have not found much literature on what to expect with a multiples pregnancy.

So this is my attempt to journal the happenings and the unexpected in my life while pregnant.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

48 weeks!? Isn't that like 12 months pregnant?

Even though there are 52 weeks in a year don't we generally count 4 weeks as a month and doesn't 12x4=48? I always get confused.

But that's what the doc said yesterday at my appointment. I'm measuring 48 weeks if there were a single baby in there. I'm dialated to a 3 and about 50% effaced. And my blood pressure is "a thing of beauty and continues to defy all odds" as he said.

I'm glad that overall I am healthy and the babies are super healthy and good sizes.

I ended up at the hospital this last Saturday and Sunday. I started throwing up each morning every 15-20 min and couldn't stop. It had happend the Monday previous and the doc gave me an IV and sent me on my way. Thats pretty much what they did on Saturday, but on Sunday I was having hard contractions every 2-3 minutes and they kept me at the hospital for 4 hours. I thought they were going to have them that day. But my cervix didn't change in the last hour and they sent me home....contractions and all.

One of the nurses there said the kindest thing to me anyone has said about having twins, she said that though it is hard now just know that there were two little best friends in heaven and they told each other they weren't going to come to earth without the other, and because they were valliant enough in the prexistence our Heavenly Father granted them that wish.....yeah, I cried. I still cry when I think about it.

We are getting close though. I can't imagine being pregnant much longer. I'll be 37 weeks in 10 days. That is the longest they said I would be pregnant. And I'll see Doctor Astle on Monday again.

Not much longer. One day at a time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Why does it have to be so hard?

"I grant you that there are many who approach the responsibility of motherhood with fear and timidity, because of its dangers to the physical life of the mother, because of its pain, its sorrow and its distress, but in the very nature of things, if God should lighten the burdens, the sorrows, and the pain of child bearing he would endanger the enduring love of the mother for her children.

There is nothing worthwhile we obtain unless we pay the price for it. That which is given to us freely, we consider of little value, and so a mother goes into the valley of death, lays her life upon the alter to bring life into the world, and because through the rearing of the children who come to her, she spends many sleepless nights, denies herself the personal pleasures of life, devotes herself with patience and care and strength almost more than she has, to the welfare of her children -- THIS is what makes her love them.

For where her treasure is, there her heart is, and the greatest treasure a woman has she gives in her service, her life itself."

~Melvin J. Ballard

Thursday, May 5, 2011

oh....I do NOT even think so!

This is what I wanted to say to the MFM doctor yesterday when he told me he wanted to wait til 38 weeks for the babies to be born.

I'm not usually one to disagree or disregard what a specialists says. But guess what...I can barely walk some days and to be told my ENTIRE pregnancy that I would deliver NO LATER then 37 weeks, one week longer seems like an eternity.

OK....to say one more week doesn't sound THAT bad. But when you have been thinking 2-3 weeks tops and then told 3-4 weeks. It seriously sounds like forever.

So i was taken back when the specialist doc said 38 weeks. I started to tear up and then he said 37-38 weeks, but to negotiate the date with Doc Astle.

Well...Doc Astle said his goal was to get me to 36 weeks (two weeks away). So when I see him Monday I'm definitely gonna be doing some negotiating.

Even if I have to wait til 37 weeks I'm OK with that. Its what I've been planning.

And another bit of news...I will be having a c-section. Baby A is breech and Baby B is transverse. It does NOT look very good for a vaginal birth. sniff sniff....I really didn't want to have a c-section. But I guess its not my choice.

Fun Fact...Baby A weighs approx 5lbs 5ozs and Baby B is approx 4lbs14oz. These numbers seem so tiny compared to my 10 pounder and 9 pound boys (If i do have to wait til 38 weeks I'll be having 8lbs twins)

Monday, May 2, 2011

My what is what?

About 2 weeks ago I was having a VERY hard time walking because it hurt so bad...ahem...down there.

It wasn't pressure, it was the bone. I laid around for awhile hoping it would go away and it never did. So I called the doc and he had me come in. After an exam...down there...the doc concluded that my pubic bone is separating due to the extra weight of the babies.

GREAT! What exactly does that mean for me?

#1- Get a maternity belt
#2- Don't be up walking around for more then 30 min at a time.
#3-Use a wheel chair anytime you go to the store.
#4-No lifting or carrying
#5-Listen to your body.
#6-Avoid walking.

Yep, its been a rough couple of weeks. IT hurts like crazy. Nearly all the time. Apparently I really just need to take an anti-inflammatory i.e. ibuprofen but can't because it disrupts the way the blood flows through the babies' hearts.

I'm not trying to complain. I have had a near perfect pregnancy even for twins. And for that I am so thankful. I am ALSO so thankful for my mom and my dad, they have been taking Jax and Dyl every weekend they possibly can. Sometimes more then just one night. As much as I miss them while they are gone I know that they are having more fun, and doing more things then if they were here with me. Plus it allows me to just rest. Rest my mind and my body. And boss Ben around. hehehe. I'm needing and wanting to "nest" but can't do it for myself. He is such a trooper.

Jackson informed me last week that "we never do anything fun" and I just cried. I feel so bad that the boys are having to "put up" with a mom who is nearly out of commission and is going to be SO SO busy with new babies soon. Will they understand? Will they even remember? I don't know. I just want to go back to being the best mommy I can be.

But this too shall pass...as of yesterday no longer then 4 weeks. The doc wants me preggers for at least 3. And I'm just praying I am able to endure for another 2. One day at a time....One day at a time.