Why I'm blogging...

I am expecting twins and even though I am a "seasoned" mother this pregnacy has been different then the others. I have done a fair amount of searching and have not found much literature on what to expect with a multiples pregnancy.

So this is my attempt to journal the happenings and the unexpected in my life while pregnant.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Phew! It really could have been a worse thing....

As hard as it is to rearrange schedules, and find a sitter for the kids I am ALWAYS relieved when I have a doctors appointment. (it is SO worth the headache for my 30 min. appointment)

I am very much a "see it to believe it" type person. So until I can feel the baby (or in this case babies) move and can count their movements, I'm a bundle of nervous between visits.

Recently, my right arm has been falling asleep randomly. You know, the tingley feeling when you have sat on your foot too long? And I have been worried that the babies weren't getting the right blood flow or my heart was weak or something horrible. When I was telling the doctor my symptoms he told me, "you have carpal tunnel." then began to tell me how and what happens and why pregnant women get carpal tunnel.

Phew! I was really worried about my heart and the babies. Carpal tunnel I can deal with but a heart condition...maybe not so much.

Then...the doc said "NO salt the rest of the pregnancy, and make sure you up your fluid intake." No salt? as in no ADDED salt or no sodium? So...I'm cutting out a lot of sodium and not adding ANY salt to anything I eat. Bland? YEP! you bet, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Patient, Kind and Merciful....

Those are the words from an amazingly inspired man today. My father.

I have struggled the last couple of days with those very three things, especially when dealing with the ones I love the most. To blame it on the pregnancy and hormones would be all together too easy, and unfair.

I saw my dad for less then 15 minutes and yet he KNEW just what I needed to hear. I hadn't even said anything about having a hard week. And the words just flowed out of his mouth, so inspired, just what I was needing at that moment. Do you think he even knew what he REALLY had said to me?

The Lord works in mysterious ways my friend. Through our family and friends who are in tune and listening to the spirit. Thank you Dad for being that person for me today.

So that is what I'm working on...being in better tune with the spirit, being patient, being more kind, and being merciful.

Speaking of the belly...

I blogged a little yesterday about the woes of getting a larger belly. After I went to work yesterday I found another...Woe that is, not belly.

I've been working at Marv's in St. George since October. I usually am cooking in the back and I spend most of the time on my feet.

Last night was the first night I worked in about a week and all through the evening I found myself a little off balance. And by the end of the night my back was aching!

I feel like such a whiner....really, what am I going to do when I'm four times as large?

Yeah for LOVELY lady lumps!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I am a BIG girl...that is no secret. With my other two pregnancies I don't think I really showed until the last couple of months. And I even had a few pairs of regular pants that fit me til the end. But it seems that ALL of a sudden my belly has started poking out...A LOT.

My pants feel fine while standing but when I sit down I think I'm cutting the circulation off from the babies or cutting them in half. It is strange.

I'll go back and read this later and think DUH... there are two babies in there, most all pregnant women go through their pants not fitting, blah blah blah.

It is just so hard to find pant that fit me anyway, between length and size, I'm just worried that I won't be able to find any that will fit when I get bigger. And I can just throw out any idea of ANY of my regular pants fitting me this time around.

Maybe I'm being to negative on how the whole body changing thing is happening? Maybe because I'm so tall I'll carry the babies a little more flatteringly (is that a word). Maybe not...Either way. I'm praying that I will be able to carry these babies to 37 weeks. That is my goal.

Dude! What is up with that?

I have been having bloody noses like crazy! Every morning and usually once more during the day.

It bugs....bad. I can just be sitting there and all of a sudden my nose starts dripping. GROSS!

So, I did a little investigating. Bloody noses are a NORMAL pregnancy symptom. Because your body has a larger blood volume then usual the delicate little viens and  capilaries in your nose rupture more easily. Not to mention the ULTRA dry winter air.

Sigh....the one more thing to make me feel even more beautiful during pregnancy. LOL.

So....What are they?

I am SO excited to announce that on January 3, 2011 at 1:41pm we learned that we are having....


Yep! TWO! I'm really excited and a little nervous.

Now...to decide on two girl names. Which is proving to be harder then first thought. Ben doesn't like the majority of what I like. So...I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Could it be?

Could it be my prenatal vitamin is making me SO sick?

I'm in my second trimester 16/17 weeks to be exact. And I'm now pretty sure my prenatal vitamin is what is/was making me SO sick. (well, past the first trimester)

I stopped taking it when I got the flu and haven't taken it since. And even though I've still been sick in the morning it isn't NEARLY as unbearable.

I know from a previous pregnancy that prenatal vitamins make me sick if I take them in the morning so I have been taking them at night. Before I stopped taking my pill I would wake up multiple times in the night with severe nausea, and by morning if I hadn't thrown up already I would throw up.

But since I've stopped. I have not had either symptom. In the morning I still have to eat something pretty quickly but that is SO much better then throwing up EVERYDAY.

I'll have to talk to Dr. Astle about it. Or maybe the maternal fetal medicine doc tomorrow. Yeah! 27 hours and 42 minutes! Its like Christmas morning when you were a little kid. That's the kind of excitement I have.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 1, 2011 (1/1/11)

Only 2 days until we find out what the babies are. I am So excited! And kinda nervous. What if we find out something is wrong with one of them or worse...what if it is two boys? Just kidding.

I won't lie, I would be disappointed if I didn't have at least one little girl for me to dress up and put bows and flowers in her hair. But i think by the time I actually have the babies I won't care what they are. I will just be so excited to have them in my arms instead of my belly! Ideally I would love to have one boy and one girl. Let me tell you why, having two girls would be EXPENSIVE. I would have to buy all new clothes. And two boys, well, I wouldn't have any girls as we foresee this as our last pregnancy.

Everything I have read has said that the more babies that there are the more likely there will be girls. But you never know? Heavenly Father has a Divine plan for all of us. A VERY hard lesson I have been learning these last 10 weeks. He has helped prepare Ben and I for the upcoming birth of our babies by putting incredible people in our lives not only for guidance but for friendships and incredible opportunities.

While preparing for our children to come some of the most amazing things have fallen into place and I KNOW that these babies are supposed to be ours and come into our home.

I love you sweet babies, and I can't wait to start shopping for you and picking out your names.

December 21, 2010

Third appointment with Doctor Astle.

I really had had the flu the previous two days. I was so so sick. I stopped taking my prenatal vitamin. I know that they make me a little queasy and I seriously didn't need anymore nausea on top of what the flu was putting me through.

We are preparing for Christmas and that is really what has been on my mind. I'm still tired ALL the time and I've been picking up a few extra hours at Marv's. AND I can barely stand the site of people. Including my own family. I have been very grumpy and very short with everyone. And stupid people are the worst.

Of course, I see someone i know there this week. I try not to make eye contact, he is there after all with his new wife, and my hair is not done, nor do I have makeup on. (which isn't really anything new)

I sign in and luckily almost as quickly they call me back. Pee, stick, weight (down 12lbs! WTH!) and blood pressure.

The nurse asks if we are doing an ultrasound today and i told her I didn't know. (Why would I know? Your the nurse right?) So she leaves and comes back and moves me to the ultrasound room.

Yeah! I get to see my little babies again. By now I am 14 weeks and the babies actually look like babies now. So undressed I get again and in comes the doctor.

He looks at my chart and asks me how I have been feeling. I told him I either had had some food poisoning or the flu the previous couple of days and am recovering still from that. Then he says "Oh wow, that is alot of weight to loose in a month, hopefully most of that is just water weight. You aren't TRYING to loose weight are you? Are you dieting? You have dropped nearly 20lbs since the first time I saw you. Are you eating?"

"What? dieting?" I think "Who does that while they are pregnant?" I tell him no and that there just isn't much that I CAN eat let alone very much of and then there is always being able to keep it down.

After a discussion about keeping a steady weight. We begin the ultrasound. And there they are. My beautiful babies. Baby "A" is going crazy, moving around and wiggling and baby "B" moving but not not as much as it's sibling. It is so neat to see them. They still have VERY good dividing line as well as their own placenta, and look at their little heartbeats go.

Last appointment the nurses set up an appointment for me with the maternal fetal medicine doc. for January 3. There we will find out what the sexes of the babies are.

The day still seems so far away. I love you little babies.

November 23, 2010

Today was the first appointment back since I found out I was having twins. At this point I was only 10 weeks. And these last four weeks have been hell.

First, I have gotten more sick, throwing up several times a day. Not able to eat very many things at all. and not being of any use to anyone til after noon.

Second, I have been largely worried about miscarrying one or both the babies. I'm so in love with my little unborn babies that i would be VERY upset if I lost one, or both.

At the doctor's i ALWAYS run into people I know, but not necessarily want to talk to. But luckily not today. I've had to pee for awhile but I just keep holding it.

Finally my turn, I'm hoping that they will do an ultrasound, mostly for my peace of mind. After the obnoxious peeing in a cup and dipping my urine protein test strip, getting my blood pressure, and then my weight (down 4lbs), they set me up in the ultrasound room.

YES! I get to see my babies, well, they are more like Lima beans right now but still, they are my babies. Shoot, I have to get undressed, oh well, at least it's only from the waist down.

When the doctor walks in he asks me if I have recovered from the shock of having twins. I am a little embarrassed. I must have been a little more overwhelmed at the time then I thought. He then asks me how I have been and if I had any questions and we proceeded on to the ultrasound.

Ahhh....there they are. Looking like Lima beans, they have a good dividing line and their heartbeats look great.

Phew. Now if I can just hang on another few weeks til my next appointment.

October 26, 2010-A day I will NEVER forget.

The barfing over the weekend wasn't as annoying. Well, it was super annoying, I just understood WHY I was so sick.

 I called the doctor on Monday and they made me an appointment for the following day. I hate the girl doctor SO badly. I knew they were going to ask me lots of questions like what was the first day of your last period blah blah blah....(which I had NO idea) and they were going to look....gulp...down there.

When I got to the doc it was your typical pee in a cup, get your weight....(holy crap! Really?!), and blood pressure and such. Then it was, get undressed put this sexy paper nighty on and here is a paper blanket in case your a little more modest then most....

Luckily, I have an awesome Doctor. I Love Doctor Astle, he is so kind. After he did my "exam" He said we were going to do an ultrasound so we knew what my due date would be. and in went the "probe" and up came the picture. He looks at it a minute and says "hmmm..."

"Hmmm...?" I'm thinking, "that's ALL you have to say?" Then he says and points to the screen, "That there is DEFINITELY a baby...but see this sack right here, I'm a little troubled," And my heart SANK. Could it be? There is something going to be wrong with this pregnancy? My little unborn baby is at risk for some complication...a million scary things were going through my head and I started to cry a little. Then Dr. Astle says, "see that right there....that my girl is another baby".....probe some more...."Yep, see that little flutter, that's a heartbeat, you are having twins!"

What?!?!? and I started to SOB! and sob, and sob, with deep heaving breaths in between. For a VERY brief second it was relief that my baby wasn't going to have some kind of horrible complication and then I was pissed that Ben wasn't there, (even though I told him not to come) and then I was just plain scared. Scared for the pregnancy and all the complications that could arise, scared for the financial burden, scared because we would never be able to afford a new and bigger car, scared I wouldn't be able to be a good enough mother to the two I already had.

 I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen. TWINS! Holy crap. TWINS! What are we gonna do. TWINS! Ben is NEVER going to believe me. When i realized the doctor was staring at me like I was a crazy person I blubbered, "I'm not sad, I'm just REALLY scared. My husband is never going to believe me." and the doctor said, "That's why we send home pictures," and he gave me the most kind and reassuring smile.

So out came the probe and the doc and I discussed what will likely happen, babies will probably come in May sometime since you don't carry twins full term, I will have to get with a multiples doctor (maternal fetal medicine), he will see me every four weeks til the first trimester is over then every two after that. He gave me a prescription for prenatal vitamins (the hugest pill I have ever seen) and a prescription for Zofran (anti-nausea)

I called Ben as soon as I was dressed. He, of course, didn't believe me until I started crying (again). I think I cried all day long. I called my mom, she was so excited. and it gave me hope. She told my dad, he said that it was "such a blessing". My grandma made me say "Honest." and our dear dear friends Dave and Brooke had the next most reassuring smiles for me that day. They helped us out and we are now the proud owners of a bigger vehicle that will hold ALL of us.

It has taken me awhile but I've come to terms with having twins. It will most likely be my last pregnancy. and I'm feeling ok about that. I'm sincerely getting more excited by the day and also more sick. I can't wait. and I am REALLY hoping for at least one little girl.

October 23, 2010

Saturday morning, Ben is home. No ZeroRez today. I get up before anyone else, and come downstairs, and nausea strikes.

"must...Hold it...together..."

I grab a piece of bread and the pregnancy test (kinda gross, I know) and head to the bathroom.

I'm trying so hard to get the dang package open and shove bread in my mouth at the same time I almost pee on myself.

"Finally!" I pull the cap off and start using the most sophisticated piece of technology I have ever peed on.

When I decided I have peed on the stick sufficiently I pull it out put the cap back on, set it on the counter and finish peeing.

While washing my hands I look at the test, its still soaking the "liquid" up through the +/- window and as it does this a HUGE and VERY dark plus appears. and I think "Wait, don't I have to wait like two minutes or something? Seriously? Its been all of 30 seconds and it already knows I'm pregnant? Holy crap, I must be REALLY pregnant."

I'm REALLY happy and super excited! yay! another baby. I had told Ben a few months ago that I thought it was "that time". But he talked me out of it, we needed to wait til the car was paid off and Dylan was a little older so he could be potty trained and by then Jackson would be in Kindergarten or first grade and at school at least half the day.

I eat some real food, so I don't barf and head upstairs to tell Ben the good news.

He, of course, was nervous. But can you blame him? He is already working two jobs, I'm working part-time at Marv's in St. George, we are barely making it paycheck to paycheck and now we are going to add another mouth to feed?

We decide together that everything will be OK and we will work something out, and I'll call the doc on Monday to get an appointment.

October 22, 2010

Morning again, Ben is off work today. Roll over for a good morning kiss,

Gag.."You have terrible breath."

Gag (again) "Oh my hell! are you serious?!"

Run, no SPRINT to the bathroom, same thing as the other two mornings.

Rinse my mouth and I go back to bed.

"Babe, I have been sick EVERY morning for the last three days."

Ben says, "Ummm, are you pregnant? We haven't exactly been 100% on 'preventing'?"

"Hmmm, I suppose I could be," I said aloud very calm cool and collected, but inside I'm thinking "Oh my heck! I am pregnant. Why didn't I even THINK about that?"

and then my mind starts wandering...It's a little soon after Dylan, but it would be fun to have a tiny baby around again. And I'm happy at the prospect of possibly having a girl after two rambuncious little boys.

That day I go to Walgreen's and get a pregnancy test.

October 21, 2010

Morning again...Ben is gone to work.

"Man, I am SO tired!"

Roll over in bed-GAG..."Holy freak, I better get to the toilet."

I barely make it in time. Yellow nasty bile barf.

Dylan doesn't like the sound of my heaving, I am NOT a quiet barfer, and he is screaming and crying in the crib. Which of course wakes his older brother Jackson (5).

"Seriously? What the Hell?" Is the only thing I can think, as I'm hunched over my toilet, trying desperately NOT to pee my pants (it WAS first thing in the morning) and trying NOT let my eyes pop out of my head. And then it was done.

"This flu bug is REALLY hanging on, I hope the boys don't get it."

The rest of the day I felt pretty good. When it came time to eat or prepare food for eating it was a bit of a challenge. And by Noon I desperately needed a nap.

October 20, 2010

It is a Wednesday, 10 days before my birthday. Ben has left for work already as usual and I hear my one year old fussing to get out of the crib. I roll over in bed and close my eyes again and get this HUGE wave of nausea.

Hmmm....that's strange.

I let the feeling pass and I get up and get Dylan out the crib.

I come downstairs to fix breakfast---gag, I must be getting the flu.

And I park myself on the couch in front of the TV most of the day.