Why I'm blogging...

I am expecting twins and even though I am a "seasoned" mother this pregnacy has been different then the others. I have done a fair amount of searching and have not found much literature on what to expect with a multiples pregnancy.

So this is my attempt to journal the happenings and the unexpected in my life while pregnant.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Something I did not expect...

Something I hadn't expected while expecting was how much the twins were going to "take over".

 It seems like such an odd thing to say, because I'm going to have two babies...who doesn't have the thought that they are going to take over....right?

I was vacuuming today and realized the Jackson will be starting Kindergarten about the same time the babies are born.

How in the WORLD did I EVER overlook such a huge and fun milestone for the one I love more then life itself? What a terrible mom I am!

These babies consume every thought, emotion, plan for the future, my house, my free time. It sound so selfish, MY thoughts, MY free time, etc. But my free time and my plans for the future are also Dylan and Jackson's.

I feel like this pregnancy and the twins are taking ME from my boys who I LOVE so so much  and I never want them to EVER feel left out or pushed to the side.

They consume so much now I can't even imagine what it is going to be like when they get here...

Monday, February 21, 2011

You know what I love?

I LOVE feeling my babies move. They are now big enough that I can feel every wiggle, elbow, kick and reposition. It is so fun and SUPER amazing to learn their schedules. Even if sometimes its a little uncomfortable, I cannot wait to meet my baby girls. Next ultrasound is on the 28th. :) I can't wait.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Whoa....that took awhile...

Yesterday 2/15 I had a Doctor's appointment with Doctor Astle.

I hadn't counted my blessings yet that day so I was feeling a little down in the dumps, or maybe it was the jerk who took my parking place and then parked too crooked to park next to him. Oh don't worry, he got THE look.

 I signed in sat down and almost immediately after they called me back. I was excited! I think I even said "Yeah!" out loud.

They took my weight (only gained 1 pound) My blood pressure. Pricked my finger for my iron (low-of course) and I sat in the room.

I should have known something was array when they had  me sit in the chair instead of on the bed. Because I waited an hour and a half! Yep. Not even kidding. Luckily it felt like it went pretty quick (Thank you phone Solitaire)

He asked how I was doing and measured my belly...I'm measuring at 30 weeks! He tells me...no need to worry you have two in there and we expect you to be a little larger.

I'm thinking "A LITTLE? that's 7 weeks OVER!"

Then he stops and asks when my last ultrasound was and starts looking at my charts.

And you know that feeling that something MIGHT be wrong but they are waiting to be sure to tell you? That's the feeling I got.

He then started talking about my A1C and blood sugars and  getting my blood work because the babies are measuring a few days larger then their actual due date. Cause if my body is using the sugars wrong it makes the babies larger. (Pretty much what the other doc told me a couple of weeks ago.)

I then told him about my skin breaking out with lotions and bath washes and getting chemical burns from DISHSOAP and last not least I told him my carpal tunnel was getting worse.

Wanna know what he said...."Drink more water, eat less salt, wrap your wrist at bed time to keep it from moving, and I'm sorry but its going to get worse."

"Sweet" was all I could think. and i wanted to cry.

Then he says..."Try not to use it during the day, no typing (um...how am I supposed to blog and facebook) no writing. Just keep it still."

I wanted to say..."So I just get to sit on the couch all day and not take care of my family or my house. What do you propose I do about my job?"

I wanted to just blow my lid, then I saw what time it was...3:37 appointment was at 2:00 (I'm supposed to be home by 3:30 for Jackson and I still had to pick up Dylan) Then I was panicked. the rest of the appointment was kinda a blur. I had to wait for the dumb nurse and the dumb other nurse with my blood work papers. then i had to deal with the dumb dumby who parked too close and too crooked (different then the first dumby in the beginning) and then the dumb dumby who was driving too slowly in front of me.

Thank goodness for good neighbors (who we car pool with) Kristy has been my saving grace the last couple of weeks.

All in all it was a successful doctor's appointment. Just have to keep watching my sodium drink MORE water and the Babies' heartbeats always sound amazing. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

This morning when I got up I was greeted with some roses and a sweet gift from my hubby. The gift and the roses were REALLY nice. There was some nice hypoallergenic lotion (since EVERYTHING is making my skin break out) new body wash, a back loofa and a new puff, with my FAVORITE Dove chocolate.

But the VERY best part of the gift was the card....Yep the card. Because he finally decided on a name for our second baby.

It had a sweet message in it that said...Sometimes I can't believe how fortunate I am to be sharing life with someone I can love more each day. I'm a lucky man to have the trust, friendship, and love of an amazing woman like you.

Then a hand written message...
Hey Beautiful,
Just wanted to let you know how much I really love you. I appreciate everyting you do for me and the kids, and I can't wait for OLIVIA and ELIZABETH to get here and love you the same way our boys do. Never get discouraged or let yourself think that your not a great mom, because you know that you are. I love you so much and Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Whipping my ass back into line almose six and half years ago.
With love,
Ben xoxo

So that's it....it's been decided. Olivia Leigh and Elizabeth Leigh will be our babies names.

Its been such a special day. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! Love to all.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Karate Kick!

I've been feeling the babies move for a few weeks now, but late last night....in my uncomfortable sleeplessness I felt Baby "B" kick from the outside!

I was SO excited! I tried to wake Ben up to feel, but to no avail. (He could sleep through a Mack truck coming into our room)

She kicked a couple more times then I felt little baby "A" wiggling around.

THIS is my favorite part of pregnancy. Sharing it with my hubby, and the boys. I can't wait til they are doing it ALL the time.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

SOOOOO over it....

I'm so over feeling bad for myself.

Wah wah...you are pregnant with twins no less....there are thousands of people who would kill to be in my position.

Wah Wah...You have some morning sickness

Wah Wah...you are tired ALL the time.

Wah wah...you have a VERY mild case of Carpal tunnel

Wah Wah...you might get gestational diabetes....the majority of women who carry twins do.

So what Heather. You're being a baby.

You are lucky you...

aren't on bed rest
can still fit in SOME of my own pants even at 21 weeks.
are learning to eat and feed my family more healthfully
have a bed to sleep in (when you can get comfortable) and a warm home.
have two CRAZY little boys who keep my life interesting.
are expecting two baby girls that are going to make my life MORE interesting.
have a husband that has a good job.
have a great part-time job that understands the demands on my body.
have a family that loves me and and is just as excited for our babies.
don't get heartburn EVERY day (yet)
husband doesn't care if the house is cluttery and messy because I just don't do it cause I'm tired.
are able to carry these babies.

I'm going to try and put my best foot forward. I'm going to try harder to actually do my hair and makeup in the morning. and make a better effort to get to church on Sundays.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ultrasound yesterday!

Had an ultrasound yesterday with the maternal fetal medicine doctors. I got to take my mom and grandma too. I was really cool to share that experience with them. Especially my mom. Seriously, it may not even seem like that long ago she was at the doctors pregnant with me. And for it to come full circle is pretty cool I think.

The MFM doc said because of my pre-existing condition of insulin resistance (pre-type 2 diabetes) I should start checking my blood sugars now. To make sure they aren't elevated and if they are to let Doctor Astle know when I see him on the 14th. Cause if they are....lucky me gets to take metformin. It could be worse right?

And the last time i saw doctor Astle he told me not to gain anymore weight. I had lost 20 pounds during the first trimester and now that I'm able to eat again I'm back to my original weight. So...I need to start eating better. but i can't have any sodium. But I still need to remember some carbohydrates, and don't forget at least 2000 calories and all the rest of the info from the food pyramid.

AND....I'm pretty dang sure Doc Astle was upset with me the last time I had lost weight and asked me if I was dieting. Wouldn't NOT gaining anymore weight during a pregnancy be interpreted as "go on a diet". I guess the trick is not to loose more weight then the babys gain in a 2 week period? I'm so confused. There is TONS of information out there, and it is all conflicting.

Someone just tell me what I'm supposed to eat, how much and when...I'm too tired to try and figure it all out on my own.